Information regarding our services
during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Below you will find information on how we are trying to help our community during this epidemic.

We are committed to keeping our customers safe, which is why we have joined the safe taxi charter. This means…

Social Distancing guidelines will be followed by the driver.

Drivers will have no physical contact with the passenger*

Hand sanitisers will be provided to all drivers and customers. Drivers will sanitise their hands regularly.

Option to pay by card through the app, to avoid drivers and passengers using cash.

Vehicles which have a shield installed will be regularly cleaned and sanitised.

Drivers will wear clean clothes each day, be well-presented and maintain impeccable personal hygiene.

Drivers will wear PPE in line with the latest government guidelines.

The Passenger area of the vehicle will be wiped down and cleaned with sanitiser regularly.

The Driver will conduct a weekly inspection and deep clean of their vehicle.

Signage to be displayed, (where available and where licensing permits) to convey safety and sanitation messages in and out of vehicle.

If you’re vulnerable or too ill to leave your house, we can get your shopping and deliver it to your door.
ON (023)80 666 666.